40+ Casino Workers Are Sharing Wild Things They’ve Experienced on the Job
Casinos are inherently wild places — but people who don’t frequent such places probably don’t understand just how crazy things can get.
Thankfully for us uninformed people, a bunch of people who work at casinos decided they would share their experiences.
Unfortunately, these stories include a lot of troubling things, like excrement and probably some depression.
Don’t Take My Spot
We’re just going to jump right into the wild, disconcerting world of casinos with this opening statement about how people poop and pee themselves fairly regularly at casinos because they don’t want to give up their seats.
Wild, right?
Fair warning, this is not the last gross story that you’ll be coming across on this list. Really, the things that go down in casinos are pretty crazy, and way worse than you think they are.
Come Home, Honey
A lot of times, the person that’s hitting up the casino is the one that the other spouse constantly worries about.
Apparently, those worrying wives like to call up the casinos a lot and try to get the employees to do something about it.
We’re assuming that most casinos can’t actually do anything about it, since it’s an establishment those husbands in question are allowed to be in.
Still, it’s kind of sad to hear that this kind of thing happens so often.
Is That Guy Alright?
This is the first story of this nature on the list, but trust us, it isn’t the last. Here’s the thing — apparently a lot of people end up dying at casinos; old age, heart attacks, all sorts of reasons.
It’s just weird to think about.
According to many casino workers, death at their establishments is actually fairly common and frequent.
Sure, it’s usually someone passing away from natural causes, but it’s still not an entirely comfortable thought, now is it?
An Emotional Rollercoaster
We’re not going to get into the exact math of how unlikely winning a jackpot is. Suffice to say, it’s very uncommon.
So when it does happen, employees are trained to show enthusiasm and excitement for their guests’ winnings.
However, that doesn’t work well when the winner suffers a terrible event.
What are the odds of winning the jackpot at the same time you get a phone call about a family member having a heart attack?
Pretty astronomical, we’re fairly certain. Definitely an awkward moment for the casino worker, to say the least.