35 Brilliant Things From Japan That the World Should Adopt

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Most people who visit Japan almost immediately fall in love with the country and its unique style. It’s hard to pick what exactly about that place is so magical: the food, the culture, the politeness.

For us, there was one particular thing that stood out that we just had to write about – the amazing Japanese items that for us were so foreign, but are completely normal to the people there – and they’re pretty genius.

Compressed and Comfortable Cotton T-Shirts

One amazing thing about this product is its ability to maximize the use of space in such an ingenious way.

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Rather than having rows of clothing racks that one has to sort through in order to find their next shirt, this compressed t-shirt makes clothes shopping as easy as just picking up a cube from a bin.

It’s not like these are scratchy, or low-quality shirts either, one such unique shirt can sell for as much as nearly $20.

Packs of Single Coffee Filters

Most coffee snobs out there tend to agree that the best way to enjoy this caffeinated beverage is by making it with something called the pour-over method.

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The pour-over method essentially involves having a filter, taking a kettle of boiling hot water, and slowly pouring it over the top of the ground coffee beans.

This helps the coffee release its natural flavors, but it can be a pain to do. Thankfully, the Japanese have a solution here.

Toilet Paper to Clean Smartphones

It’s only called toilet paper because it comes in rolls similar to the toilet paper that we see in the bathroom, only this one has a much different use.

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This toilet paper was specifically designed to clean cell phones, so you don’t have to worry about smudges and other bits of dirt on your screen while you’re scrolling the web or texting your friends.

The best part is that it even offers instructions on how to connect to local Wi-Fi.

Flights Show What the Pilot Sees

By now we’re probably used to screens that show us where we are as we fly over the globe. But have you ever wondered what it must look like from the pilot’s perspective to be able to have that incredible view as they fly a plane?

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Well, on this Japanese airline you can actually share in their experience as you watch them soar over the Earth.

Those incredible scenes almost make us wish that we had gone to flight school.