40+ Celebrities and Their Body Abnormalities That You May Have Never Noticed

This article appeared in www.fabcrunch.com and has been published here with permission.
40+ Celebrities and the Strange Body Features They Avoid Showing on Camera

Celebrities have a lot of resources at their disposal in order to convince the world that they’re flawless. There’s Photoshop, glam squads, and cosmetic surgeries to hide any potential imperfections. However, not every celebrity has managed to keep their quirks a secret. From an excess of fingers to being born with a tail, see the A-listers whose beautifully strange body features have been exposed!

Britney Spears – Psoriasis

Britney Spears has psoriasis, which tends to flare up around her feet when she’s stressed. Psoriasis is a skin condition in which patches of skin get flaky and scaly, due to issues with the immune system.

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Britney doesn’t seem interested in hiding her condition from her fans, as she proudly wears open-toed shoes — even while having a psoriasis flare-up. Although the singer has a cream to treat the rash, she finds it painful and uncomfortable, so Britney goes without it and lets the public see the realities of her life.

Daryl Hannah – Missing Fingertip

Daryl Hannah lost the tip of one of her fingers when she was just a child. Apparently, there was an accident involving her grandmother’s mobility stair lift. Nowadays, Daryl seems to be vocal about her missing fingertip, yet, she routinely hides it.

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The actress is usually seen wearing a prosthetic in her movies and public appearances. While we understand that she’s probably asked to wear the prosthetic while filming, it’s a shame that Daryl feels the need to hide her finger while on the red carpet.

Damon Wayans – Clubbed Foot

Damon Wayans was born with a clubbed foot, meaning that one of his feet was turned under and inward. Babies with clubbed feet can have difficulty standing and walking, therefore, it’s important for the condition to be treated.

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Damon got corrective surgery — something that he speaks openly about. In fact, the actor is so unashamed of his birth defect that he’s even incorporated it into his work, specifically My Wife & Kids and Waynehead.

David Bowie – Enlarged Pupil

Many people thought that David Bowie had different colored eyes. However, the truth is, the singer had anisocoria — different-sized pupils. David’s anisocoria wasn’t the result of genetics. Instead, he had a childhood fistfight to blame for his unique appearance.

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A fingernail to the eye by his longtime friend George Underwood left Bowie with a permanently enlarged pupil. Luckily, all has been forgiven although not forgotten and, of course, the girl they were fighting over ended up being just a blip in the musician’s memory.