45 Times Employers Sent a Clear Message About How Terrible They Are

45 Times Employers Sent a Clear Message About How Terrible They Are

Capitalist America is not all it’s cracked up to be. There are tons of horrific jobs out there run by absolutely awful employers who don’t care at all about the well-being of their workers.

Time and time again, employees get the short end of the stick. Some employers manage to be somewhat subtle about it, but other times, they have no problem sending a very clear message about how terrible they really are.

These are just a few examples of those times.

How Much Nitpicking Can You Do?

We understand that employees should be spending most of the time they’re being paid for doing what they’re paid to do.

There’s nothing wrong with that at all. But, some employers are so crazy about this that they’ll harp on you for every single second you’re doing anything else.

How Much Nitpicking Can You Do?

First of all, who’s keeping tabs this close on the employee in question? It’s honestly kind of creepy what level of surveillance is going on in that place.

This guy might want to figure out who’s watching him at work.

Mandatory Orders

On the surface, this announcement may not seem so bad. It’s just a notice that everyone will need to come in on a certain day — except that day happens to be a Saturday, which is a day off for many nine-to-five workers in this country.

Mandatory Orders

We have little doubt that employees who only ever agreed to work on weekdays were forced to come in on a scheduled day off, and on top of that, they apparently had to do it at a tentative 6:45 in the morning.

Definitely not a cool move by the employer.

Maybe There’s a Different Problem?

A lot of people like to blame politicians for all of their problems — this is an especially popular thing to do if a problem is one you almost certainly created yourself.

Many employers blame politics and stimulus checks for a lack of workers.

Maybe There’s a Different Problem?

The truth is, most of these places that can’t find anyone to hire just don’t pay nearly enough for the cost of living in their area.

But of course, rather than pay employees an actual living wage, they find it much better to just complain about how lazy everyone is.

Just Work the Night Away

For some reason, many employers feel that people should dedicate their lives to work. Who needs free time for relaxation and mental health?

Heck, who even needs to sleep? If you spend all day taking care of your kids, that just means you’re available to work at night!

Just Work the Night Away

They either believe that workers don’t need to rest or they just don’t care. We’re willing to bet it’s the latter, honestly.

Is it any wonder that places that do things like this have trouble finding people that want to work for them?