30+ Photos That Got Weirder the Longer We Looked at Them
This article appeared in www.sneakertoast.com and has been published here with permission.Hold On
It’s not necessarily odd to see a house window when you’re driving by. Of course, those windows are usually a part of a house — not just on their own.
If they were on their own, you’d at least expect these windows to be on the ground. Honestly, this one might lead drivers to slam on the brakes out of confusion.
It really makes us wonder what’s going on but mostly, we’re impressed by the balance.
Some Added Difficulty
Speaking of sheep, when you think of them, you probably picture them on a farm. If they’re active, maybe you think of them running through a pasture.
You probably don’t picture them tagging along for a sport as intensive as skiing. For one, the person skiing in this picture seems pretty strong and talented to forego poles and hold a sheep instead.
Secondly, it’s almost weirder that this sheep seems so content to tag along for the ride.
Bus Chicken
There are a lot of strange things you might see on the bus when you hop on. For the most part, you probably just keep walking.
That said, we’re not quite as sure we could just walk past this seat of loose fried chicken wings.
The longer we look, the more questions we have too. Why isn’t it even in a box or takeout container? Where did it come from?
Mostly, why is this loose chicken completely unattended — who did this?
One of These Is Different
Stuffed animals are a great way to add a bit of personality to a room. Not to mention, they’re soft and comfortable as well!
At first, you might just think this is four stuffed animals lined up in a row. One of them is a bit different from the others, though.
Maybe it’s the tail that gives it away but we’d watch out for claws before scooping up this pile of stuffed animals.
Some photos hit you right away with how weird they are while others take a second to sink in. There are times this weirdness is implemented on purpose and other times that even the photographer is wondering what went awry.
These photos left us with a growing sense that something — if not everything — is a little off.