40+ Funny Pictures That Are Hard to Look At

This article appeared in bigglobaltravel.com and has been published here with permission.
These Pics Make Us Cringe So Hard

Sometimes, you can’t help but cringe at the world around you. Whether something is unfortunate and painful looking or just deplorable and irritating, such photos are all over the internet.

Sometimes they can actually be kind of funny, but in the same way that a bad pun is: you laugh, but shake your head at the same time.

This article will cover some particularly cringe inducing photos of both the “laughing at misfortune” and “can’t believe they did that”


What in Tarnation?

We’re going to level with you: this image is hard to look at not because of some arbitrarily bad thing that has befallen someone, but because this an image of what may very well be one of the worst flavors of soda in the world.

Just look at it!

What in Tarnation?

Who on Earth would want ranch dressing flavored soda? And for what purpose? It just doesn’t seem like it would be very profitable, which is probably why you never see it sold anywhere.

Where did this guy find it? Is it limited edition?

Semantics and Technicalities

Yes, technically this kid isn’t wrong about what his mother told him and what he is actually doing.

But who in their right mind chooses to eat food on top of a valuable piece of technology like this, and then make a mess on it besides?

Semantics and Technicalities

We have little doubt that his mother will be ready to beat him for this. As for us, this isn’t funny so much as it is cringe-inducing, which is of course, another major part of the article.

Feel free to indulge, and maybe let your wrath boil a bit.

Practically Worthless

A car is something people often want in a certain color, since they’ll be using it a great deal in most cases.

That said, most of us normal people can’t feel any sympathy for someone that complains about getting a Lamborghini in any color, regardless of whether or not they wanted it.

Practically Worthless

Sure, people are allowed to want things a certain way, but actually condemning parents that will buy you a car this expensive is ridiculous.

Then again, maybe getting a Lamborghini for your teenager is ridiculous no matter your wealth.

An Accident Waiting to Happen

On one hand, this is kind of clever. It’s at least a clever way to achieve a goal using only the things that he had available.

But on the other hand, this is a terrible idea that we can’t help but cringe over, because we can all feel the looming possibility of that board breaking.

An Accident Waiting to Happen

He’s not high enough for it to be a huge danger to him, but either way, this is definitely something we don’t recommend doing if you can help it.

It’s just super dangerous and risky, and it would be a hassle to explain at the ER.