20+ Screenshots of Helicopter Parents Who Are Still Treating Their Adult Children Like Infants
Helicopter parents often mean well but sometimes they go too far - way too far! Their anxiety and insecurities boil over to burn the very children they love. If only these adult children could climb aboard real helicopters to just get away from all the crazy! These are just some of the most insane texts sent by helicopter parents. Check them out!

Attack of the Helicopter Mom
Helicopter parenting usually involves excessive hovering but in this case, the 18-year-old was virtually attacked with an attack helicopter! She's clearly gone DEFCON 2 and launched daughter-seeking mommy radar that will inevitably cause an explosive situation when her daughter checks her phone.

The crazy part of this text is that it wasn't just a record of a concerned mom over a period of many hours but within the course of just nine minutes! She's clearly not coping very well and should stop drinking five coffees in the morning.
Removing Implants
Helicopter parents always feel they have a right to know every single thing you are doing, all of the time! When you're 20 years old though, that could get a little ridiculous and unnaturally intrusive.

But looking into your daughter's calendar and seeing what's going on for the next three years is an entirely new level of scrutiny. We think her daughter's response was spot on! She obviously had enough of her mom digging into her business as an adult and politely but firmly expressed herself in a healthy way.
Parents understandably want to know where their children are at all times. Tracking a kid's cell phone is a bit over-the-top but understandable, as it can be a very dangerous world. This weary 27-year-old wasn't having it though!

The funniest part is that his silly mother doesn't realize that a telltale sign that something is amiss is when a parent tells their man-child to "RELAX." A high probability of stress ahead is definitely on the horizon. By the way, nobody in the history of the world actually relaxes when told to relax - especially when it's texted in all caps.
Heavy Metal Mom
When you're 30-something and enjoying life your way, the very last thing you want to get is a text from your nosy mom warning you of your impending bad luck for going to a heavy metal concert. Here he is, ready to let out a little pent-up rage when he learns that his mom has some sort of an issue with his music.

When he told his mom that he got into Iron Maiden from his dad's collection of tapes, his dad denied it! So to his mother's mind, this was just further evidence that he had further sunk to the dark side.