40+ Hilarious Tweets That Show How Weird Teachers Really Are
Teachers have a huge responsibility. After all, they've dedicated their careers to making sure that the next generation is ready to go when they graduate! However, even the most dedicated teachers can do some weird things that make their students laugh or even just wonder what's going on. These are some of the oddest stories people shared when Jimmy Fallon wondered on Twitter about people's weird teachers.

Not Quite a Moment of Silence
There are some things that you can only really believe would happen if you experience them. This day in class sounds like one of them. Even weirder, this was on the first day of class.

You probably wouldn't really know what to do either if your professor silently walked into the room, only to jam out to T Swift's "22". In the end, it turned out that he wanted to honor the new graduating class even if he went for a rather unpredictable method.
A Teacher Knows
When you want to keep a full class' attention, you're going to have to get creative. Especially with younger classes, it can be hard to keep their interest. This teacher knew the way to these students' hearts, though.

After all, what middle schooler could say no to getting the opportunity to watch things blow things up? All this teacher asked was 40 minutes of their well-behaved time for an experiment no 8th grader would want to miss.
Showing Off His Skills
There are some pop culture moments that really define part of your childhood. After all, some things have a way of making their way into everyday life, don't they?

For example, if you were alive when Michael Jackson's "Thriller" came out, you know that almost everyone knew it. If you were particularly skilled, maybe you even nailed the infamous moonwalk. This teacher did and he wasn't about to let the skill go to waste.
One Way to Do It
There are some ways that teachers can teach you something without making you feel like you're doing any work at all. That's exactly what this teacher offered.

This class was probably thinking they were getting out of learning that day. Well, learning about anything other than the plot of Forrest Gump. However, it seems like the teacher successfully made sure everyone remembered what a filibuster was.