35 Inconsiderate Plane Passengers That Made Flying Unbearable
Here are some photos showing some of the most annoying plane passengers in recent memory. Fasten your set belt and prepare yourself for some serious laughs...
License to Fly
While only a select number of people in the world learn how to fly, most birds have the innate ability from the early stages of their life. For some strange reason though, passengers started to freak out when they saw this woman hanging out with her pet parrot during a flight home.

Surely enough, they got even more stressed out when, halfway through the flight, the parrot decided to escape the clutches of its owner to fly up and down the aisle.
What's All That Jacket?
There are some passengers out there who have no sensitivity when it comes to where they can put their stuff. This woman completely ignored the fact that the man behind her had a screen he could watch TV on, just like the one she was using!

Nevertheless, she had the audacity to hang her jacket on her seat, even though the bulk of it covered half of the other passenger's screen. Next time, just put it on your lap, please.
Blazing Laptops
Some people just don't have enough space during the flight and take it upon themselves to invade the space of passengers sitting next to them. Take this guy, for example, who had way too much on his plate during his flight.

It seems like one laptop simply wasn't enough for him. He needed one for work purposes and an iPad to watch the western comedy classic Blazing Saddles. Everything would have been fine had he asked to use this person's fold-out table in advance...
Bored to Death
If you don't have games to play, a book to read, a film to watch or some music to listen to, a flight can be one of the most mind-numbingly boring experiences. However, this young lady was able to find entertainment in the most unexpected places.

The passenger sitting next to her wasn't interested in trying to keep himself entertained and simply kicked back for some shut-eye. Yet she couldn't help herself and took a selfie with him!