30+ People Are Revealing What Current Interior Design Trends Will “Age Poorly,” & We Definitely Agree
Live, Laugh, Love!
Inspirational messages can be good to have in your daily life. After all, sometimes, we need those affirmations and such to lift our spirits so we can get through the day.
This might mean utilizing the “live, laugh, love” signs that have become so popular.
Though it’s a good message, we’re not sure that it really belongs on any walls or decorations within your home.
Maybe just say it to yourself in front of the mirror and be okay with that!
Gray Accent Walls
The truth is, everybody can decorate their home the way they want. Some people have favorite colors, and that’s how they determine the color scheme of certain rooms within their homes.
However, some colors will be better at standing the test of time than others.
A gray accent wall can always give a little depth to a room. But in the end, this will wind up being muddled and bland and definitely not stand up to the effects of time.
Black Painted Houses
Having your home stand out from everybody else’s is a big thing for some people. Many people do this by unique landscaping; others have recently opted to paint their homes black.
This may look chic now, but the upkeep will be pretty hard, and in the end, it’ll age poorly. We think this looks cool initially, but maybe they should have thought about long-term consequences.
Farmhouse Light Fixtures
Over the past decade, many people have utilized farmhouse ideas in their more modern homes. Of course, one of the most common is the farmhouse light fixtures.
Those empty squares with the lights dangling in them or mounted on them seem a little cliché now.
They’re not always a bad idea, but the trend won’t play well as fads and interior design change in the coming years.
Just like with everything, interior design fads come and go. These may seem so amazing right now but may not play out very well in the future.
In fact, many interior designers (and amateur ones as well) are pretty sick and tired of these and wish to go with something different.
But the client is always right, right? We have compiled a list of interior design trends that’ll age poorly, according to internet users.