40+ Quirks That Scottish People Don’t Realize Are Bizarre

These Scottish Quirks Are Hilarious!

From “New Town” being called “New,” when it is actually older than the nation-state of Canada, to the ways their buses work – there are things in Scotland that people living there might have taken for granted but are very weird to those new to the country.

Here are some of these Scottish quirks that seriously confuse the rest of the world.

Sun Kissed

The art of being Scottish is that the cold doesn’t bother them anyway. We’re starting to think Elsa was Scottish too.

This picture sure makes one wonder if Scottish people have skin of steel or if are they just borderline insane due to a lack of vitamin D.

Sun Kissed

There’s a completely normal man dressed in a sweater while the locals are sunbathing in 16 degrees temperature; if that’s not crazy, we don’t know what is.

Coin Conundrum

Is it just us or do Scottish people always carry change? As annoying as it is to carry coins around, the process of getting rid of them is even more challenging.

Coin Conundrum

It’s frustrating and embarrassing when you hold an entire queue of hungry people as you shuffle through your bag for change.

However, Scottish people are always here for you; they wait and are glad to get the coins off you.

Grilled or Roasted?

Okay, that toast is child abuse, alright. The fact that they call it roasted instead of grilled is so interesting.

Calling it roasted makes it seem like a protein of some sort rather than just some cheese and toast.

Grilled or Roasted?

We just hope that these parents learn how to make roasted cheese because, if it were us, instead of this kid, we’d pass out from starvation.

Call it grill or roasted, please don’t turn the poor toast into char.

Pasta in Pies?

Um, eww? We get how carbs provide energy and you need that to start off your day, but come on, man! Couldn’t a regular pie work instead?

Why do you have to put the pasta in everything?

Pasta in Pies?

This poor guy probably wanted lunch during breakfast because we don’t know how else to explain this insanity.

The crazy thing about this picture is that the longer we look at it, the more appetizing it starts to look. Let’s stop now!