30+ People Share How They Respond When Someone Knocks on the Public Restroom Door They’re Using, & We Can’t Stop Laughing

30+ People Share How They Respond When Someone Knocks on the Public Restroom Door They’re Using, & We Can’t Stop Laughing

It’s a situation that many of us have faced before — you’re forced to use a public restroom, and for a while, you have the stall entirely to yourself.

But soon enough, some stranger comes knocking on the door to see if anyone is in there. When that time comes, what do you say in response?

Here are some of the best restroom responses offered up by the denizens of the internet.

Is it Really Inappropriate?

This person seems to think “yes” is a bad answer for the restroom, but is it really? After all, the person knocking is technically asking whether or not someone is in that particular stall — although it’s not a veral encounter.

Is it Really Inappropriate?

Of course, you should probably answer firmly instead of framing it as a question, but other than that, “yes”

seems like a perfectly viable response that’s hardly inappropriate.

Making it Awkward

Some people like to take the awkwardness of a public restroom meeting and simply crank it up to an 11.

Maybe they feel they can do that because there’s a stall door preventing eye contact — at least in most cases.

Making it Awkward

Still, are they saying they hate the way the toilet makes them feel about themselves, or the person knocking?

Either way, this kind of response is sure to confuse the person who’s knocking on the door.

That Might Be True

The funny thing about this restroom response is that it could actually be true, and not just a joke. After all, there’s no rule saying you can’t do your business in the nude.

That Might Be True

We don’t know why you would do that in a public restroom, but you never know — sometimes, you just have to get down to some serious business, and clothes get in the way of that.

Or perhaps, you’re wearing a jumpsuit and you have no other choice but to strip down.

A Refined System

For people who already don’t know how to engage strangers in public that well, meeting with one in a public restroom is probably a nightmare.

Therefore, the types of answers they give probably end up coming off as awkward.

A Refined System

We’re not sure if you can get more awkward than what this guy is describing — although if he said this line at a normal volume instead of whispering, it’d likely be just as uncomfortable.