30+ People Share the Most Ridiculous Questions They’ve Actually Been Asked in a Job Interview

These People Share the Most Ridiculous Questions They’ve Actually Been Asked in a Job Interview

When you apply for a job, you often have to engage in some sort of interview. Generally speaking, the questions you get asked during an interview are quite sensible.

However, this isn’t always the case. Sometimes, you get thrown a really odd curveball. These are some of the most ridiculous questions people have actually been asked during a job interview.

Why Do You Care?

This interview question should give you a rough idea of how silly many of these questions are going to be.

Sure, the answer to this question could be found by math, but why would anyone care?

Why Do You Care?

Naturally, questions like these are usually asked to judge how you go about solving a tough problem, not because the interviewer actually cares about clock hands and how often they overlap.

Still, this would be an annoying question.

Well, the Name Is Jaffa Cake…

Maybe the purpose of this question is to see whether or not someone is capable of paying attention. Like, a question you use to weed out people who are hopeless.

Obviously, a Jaffa cake is a cake, right? It’s in the name.

Well, the Name Is Jaffa Cake…

Or is it a trick question? Is it actually a biscuit instead? We have no idea what kind of interview this question was being used in, but now we’re thoroughly confused, and more than a little curious.

Are they actually biscuits or something?

How Is That Related?

Remember those math questions that always presented you with some ridiculous scenario, and you had to find the answer to it?

This question’s a lot like that, honestly. How does any of this absurd information help us?

How Is That Related?

Are you just supposed to assume the pear costs 20 pence more because that has been the pattern thus far?

But just because there’s a pattern doesn’t actually mean anything about the cost of a pear. Is this another trick question?

The safe answer is probably just 80 pence. By the way, in case you were wondering, that’s less than a dollar (about 90 cents).

Easy: I Wouldn’t

Maybe this interview question is about how to tackle an inherently difficult problem, but we think it does a poor job of it.

There’s a reason no one drinks eggnog in the summer. There’s a reason no one would try to market it in the summer.

Easy: I Wouldn’t

Why would you commit to something obviously doomed to fail when your efforts could be better spent marketing something else?

Honestly, that sounds like a better option if you ask us. But that’s not what an interviewer would want to hear.