20+ People Are Sharing What They Think Is Their Most Toxic Trait

Do You Think These Traits Are Toxic?

The idea of being “toxic” is usually considered to be bad. You don’t want to be a toxic person. And yet, some toxic traits are actually a matter of pride for some people out there. Maybe it isn’t so crazy — some toxic traits have benefits just like they have drawbacks. But then again, some people may just be delusional. Here are some people who don’t think their toxic traits are all bad.

Holding a Grudge

Many perceive holding a grudge to be unnecessary and toxic, but then again, not everyone is deserving of forgiveness. In fact, some people do nothing to even apologize, so why should they be forgiven in the first place, right?

Holding a Grudge

Maybe holding a grudge isn’t very healthy, but neither is blind forgiveness — which ignores whether or not people actually care to make amends for their mistakes. That being the case, maybe this is something to be proud of.

Straight to the Point

There is, admittedly, a time to be polite. But, we don’t believe you have to make sure to never offend anyone, or that you have to put on airs just for the sake of pretending to be nice. You should be nice when you can, but faking it defeats the purpose anyway.

Straight to the Point

Is it toxic to be so adamant about honesty, even to the point of offending others? Perhaps that isn’t quite the right word, but there’s definitely room for both pros and cons with that kind of behavior.

Ready to Cut and Run

Alright, justified or not, this trait might actually be a little toxic. If you’re already prepared to cut anyone out of your life, then you can’t really commit to them — be it as a friend, partner, lover, or anything else. That alone is a huge obstacle in any genuine relationship.

Ready to Cut and Run

We understand that it’s a defense mechanism and one that’s often born out of necessity. Still, there’s no doubt that a trait such as this one is toxic, both to others and to yourself. It’s probably not something to be proud of.

Sleep Is for the Weak

Everyone needs some amount of sleep, but how much exactly varies from person to person. Some of us need a lot, others need hardly any at all. We don’t know if it’s worth labeling the latter as a toxic trait, so much as a self-destructive one.

Sleep Is for the Weak

That said, if you can function with less sleep than others, is that really a bad thing? This person acknowledges that it isn’t healthy, though, so they must be feeling some sort of negative effects — otherwise, they wouldn’t bother saying as much.