We Can’t Stop Smiling at All These Extremely Wholesome & Heartwarming Pictures

We Can’t Stop Smiling at All These Extremely Wholesome & Heartwarming Pictures From This Year

Life can be sad and frustrating, but not everything has to bring us down. We all love to see sweet, uplifting, and funny stories to remember how much good there is in the world, which is why we’ve compiled a list of super wholesome pictures that are guaranteed to make you smile and warm your heart!

Babysitting Is Hard

Babysitting is one of the first big responsibilities that young teenagers are trusted with. They’re often given the easy babysitting jobs, like just keeping an eye on smaller children while they sleep to make sure they don’t need anything and that nothing horrible happens.

Babysitting Is Hard

That first babysitting job can be overwhelming and lead to teens not being quite sure what to do, but thankfully this one texted his mom instead of just leaving the kids home alone. He’ll get the hang of things eventually!

The World Is Mark’s Playground

LEGOs are one of the best toys for kids (and, let’s be honest, for adults). They offer endless possibilities for creativity — from building a basic house to elaborate towers, and so much more.

The World Is Mark’s Playground

Unfortunately, most adults have had the little kid within them squashed down with time, and we have a feeling Mark is one of those people. Or, more optimistically, Mark is just a genius.

The Cutest Lemon Ever

Our yards don’t have to be simply grass and empty space. They can be home to beautiful flowers, bushes — or for some lucky people — fruit trees. This girl’s mom was so excited to get a lemon tree.

The Cutest Lemon Ever

We’re pretty sure lemons are supposed to be much bigger than that, but it’s okay because that’s the most adorable lemon in the world. Her mom was probably super proud of it, too, which makes it even more wholesome and adorable.

Win or Lose

The minds of children are really fascinating. Things in their world are so simple and obvious, and they also have the free time to think about things that we adults are much too busy to stew over, like pie-eating contests.

Win or Lose

This is the kind of wholesome optimism that the world needs! Who cares if the glass is half empty or half full as long as you enjoy what you’re drinking? That’s one wise little girl she’s got.